I started these drawings to bring joy in the morning. They are all done in the morning with the goal to be direct drawing and not overthink what I an doing. I choose materials I have crayons, oil pencils, china markers and inks. I figure I would do 1 drawing a day for 100 days.`
As I reflect on these drawings, I'm so grateful for my third grade teacher, Mrs. Jergenson. The class was drawing at our desks. We were drawing with crayons, and I kind of made this horrible mess. She came over, sat next to me, and she talked about using the crayon with light and hard strokes, changing up line width, how to layers crayons and how to scrape away a layer to reveal the past layer. This is the method I used in these drawings with an addition, my fingers. So thank you, Mrs. Jergenson , Thoreau School Elementary School in Concord, Mass